Friday, July 24, 2009

Had lunch with the familia today. Nothing fancy, just a meal at Olive Garden. Surprisingly it was a very enjoyable meal with the rest of the family. Usually, any time the four of us are at the same table an argument erupts. This time the converstations stayed light, happy and everyone was in a good mood, for once. Actual happy family time. Very strange, honestly it has not happened for several months.

Food is our common ground, a universal experience.

-James Beard
Very exicited today, the schedule for the fall Teaching Esl courses are up and I can finally see what my fall term will be like. I still need at least 500 dollars to cover some classes and textbooks. 353.25 for a single course. Crazy. Oh well it will be worth it. Still cannot decided if I want to teach here or travel somewhere. My dream would be living and teaching in Belgium, spending my weekends travelling on train to Paris, Russia, and Austria. But we will see if this dream ever comes true.

picture I took the last time I was in Paris. View from our hotel room.

It smells like rain here. Really we have not had any summer this year.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

first entry

so my first entry! very exciting. i gues just a brief outline on what i plan on doing here. nothing fancy, i just want a space to put the pretty things i find. so i hope you enjoy.


Understand, I'll slip quietly

away from the noisey crowd

when I see the pale

stars rising, blooming, over the oaks.

I'll pursue solitary pathways

through the pale twilit meadows.

with only this one dream:

you come too.

Rainer Maria Rilke

i found this poem yesterday and i love it!

Had a horrible morning. Missed an interview I was looking forward to. Had to ride the bus for two hours, tried to get my driver's license only to find that the location had closed last week. It was raining the whole time. So that was my morning and now I have decided I'm going to pull a no show at my cashier job. I think it is a smart decision; who knows what kind of drama work may offer me. Now I've decided to hide at home for the rest of the day. My super sweet boyfriend attempted to cheer me up and get me into work as I sent him vague updates of my morning.